Khazin Delyagin forecast.  “new democracy” M. G. Delyagin and M. L.  Khazina is a party of a goal or another party of a slogan.  About those who will never be replaced by robots
The policy pursued by “our” economic bloc is so obviously harmful to the economy and population that defining it as criminal has become a commonplace....
Classical music Classics of the genre message
The concept of “classical music” is a very vague concept in terms of terminology. In the generally accepted understanding, classical music is music that has stood the test...
Meaning and interpretation of the dream
The interpretation of dreams in which people saw a ticket is quite difficult. The main thing is to accurately remember all the details of the dream, this will help to interpret more accurately...
The degrees of comparison of adjectives in English How to determine a monosyllabic and a polysyllabic adjective
In English there are 3 degrees of comparison of adjectives: the positive degree, the comparative degree and...
How to prepare eggnog for Easter cakes
Surely you remember this tasty, healthy and satisfying cocktail from your childhood. Once upon a time, eggnog was very popular - some children...
Stories of alien attacks on women
In all historical periods of the development of human civilization, reports periodically appear about people who were abducted by aliens for anatomical examinations...
How to get rid of an annoying admirer
Of course, every person is pleased when they love him, take care of him, look after him. However, often such advances, especially from an unloved person, become...
How can you remove and return damage to the one who caused it?
The most complete description in all details - how to return a love spell to someone who cast it with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect. Every person can...