Darkie Bass Aggression Index. A technique for diagnosing indicators and forms of aggression A. Bass and A. Darki.

The word aggression is often used in a diverse context. That is why it is necessary to understand and understand the meanings of this word. So in 1957, A. Darki and A. Bass. designed and created their famous questionnaire. They made it clear that aggressiveness can be qualitative and quantitative, and it can also manifest itself in different ways. This property is almost always present. The only difference is that it can be pronounced and not manifest at all. As everyone knows, it is better to find a middle ground and not resort to extremes. Ideally, each person should have a certain degree of aggressiveness. When it is absent at all, then the person becomes passive and indifferent to stimuli. Conversely, an abundantly aggressive person is in conflict.

The questionnaire and methodology of Bas-Darki implies the following types of aggression:

  1. Physical aggression.It is a strong desire to use physical force against anyone.
  2. Indirect.Such aggression can either be not directed at an individual person, or manifest itself indirectly.
  3. Irritation.This is an expression of negative feelings, with little excitement. Such people are called hot-tempered and rude.
  4. Negativism.  The so-called oppositional behavior. It is uncertain, because unstable - from insignificant resistance to an active struggle against established laws and customs.
  5. Resentment.  Acute enough aggression. People who are prone to this kind of aggression are envious and hateful.
  6. Suspicion, distrust.It varies from caution and excessive prudence to others to confidence in the intentions of other people to knowingly do harm.
  7. Verbal aggression.Such people express their negative feelings through curses, threats, screams and screeches.
  8. Guilt.Too expressed remorse, self-awareness as a bad person.

Instructions for the test Bas-Darki questionnaire:

When listening to or reading questions, be aware of how relevant they are to your personality. Depending on whether you agree with these statements or they contradict you, honestly answer “yes” and “no”. The allegations have been specifically formulated in such a way as to eliminate the influence of public approval of your response. Only 75 questions.

  1. Sometimes it’s impossible to cope with the desire to harm anyone.
  2. Sometimes I gossip a little about people I don’t like.
  3. Easily annoyed, but also easy to calm down.
  4. If they ask me not in a good way, then I will not fulfill the request. I do not always receive what I should.
  5. I know and am sure that people are talking about me behind my back.
  6. If I do not approve of the actions of other people, I let them understand this.
  7. If it happens to deceive someone, I feel remorse.
  8. It seems to me that I am not able to use physical force on a person.
  9. Never annoyed so much to throw things.
  10. Always condescending to other people's shortcomings.
  11. When I don’t like the established rule, I have a desire to break it.
  12. Others almost always know how to use favorable circumstances.
  13. I am alarmed by people who treat me more friendly than I can expect from them.
  14. Often I disagree with people.
  15. Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of.
  16. If someone hits me, I won’t answer him the same.
  17. When I'm annoyed, I slam the door.
  18. I am more annoying than it might seem from the outside.
  19. If someone tries to make a boss out of himself, I act against him.
  20. I'm a little upset about my fate.
  21. I think that many people do not like me.
  22. I can’t resist the argument if people don’t agree with me.
  23. Evaders from work should feel guilty.
  24. Who insults me or my family begs for a fight.
  25. I am not capable of rude jokes.
  26. It infuriates me when they make fun of me.
  27. When people make bosses of themselves, I do everything so that they are not arrogant.
  28. Almost every week I see someone from those who annoy me I do not like.
  29. Many envy me.
  30. I demand that others respect my rights.
  31. It saddens me that I do little for my parents.
  32. People who harass you all the time are worth clicking on their nose.
  33. From anger I am sometimes gloomy.
  34. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I am not upset.
  35. If someone is trying to get me crazy, I do not pay attention to him.
  36. Although I do not show this, sometimes envy gnaws at me.
  37. Sometimes it seems to me that they laugh at me.
  38. Even if I am angry, I do not resort to strong expressions.
  39. I want my sins to be forgiven.
  40. I rarely give back, even if someone hits me.
  41. I am offended when sometimes it doesn’t work out in my opinion.
  42. Sometimes people annoy me with their presence.
  43. There are no people that I really hate.
  44. My principle: "Never trust strangers."
  45. If someone pisses me off, I’m ready to tell him everything I think about him.
  46. I do a lot of things, which I later regret.
  47. If I get angry, I can hit someone.
  48. Since ten years, I have not had outbursts of anger.
  49. Often I feel like a powder keg ready to explode.
  50. If you knew how I feel, I would be considered a person with whom it is not easy to get along.
  51. I always think about what secret reasons make people do something pleasant for me.
  52. When they shout at me, I raise my voice in response.
  53. Failures upset me.
  54. I fight not less often and not more often than others.
  55. I can recall cases when I was so angry that I grabbed the first thing that came to hand and broke it.
  56. Sometimes I feel that I am completely ready to start a fight first.
  57. Sometimes I feel that in this life there is a lot of injustice towards me.
  58. I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I doubt it very much.
  59. I swear only with anger.
  60. When I do wrong, I am tormented by remorse.
  61. If physical force must be used to protect my rights, I use it.
  62. Sometimes I express my anger by knocking on the table.
  63. I’m rude to people I don’t like.
  64. There are no enemies who would like to harm me.
  65. I can’t put people in their place, even if they deserve it.
  66. Often haunted by the thought that I live wrong.
  67. Familiar with people who can lead me to a fight.
  68. Because of the little things I’m not upset.
  69. I rarely get the idea that people are trying to anger or insult me.
  70. Often, just threatening people, not going to enforce threats.
  71. Recently, I have become boring (boring).
  72. In a dispute I often raise my voice.
  73. I try to hide the bad attitude towards people.
  74. I'd rather agree with something than argue.

Bas-Darki Questionnaire - Key and Interpretation

Basa Darki Questionnaire - Results

Responses will be rated on 8 scales.

The aggressiveness index consists of 1, 2 and 3 scales; hostility index consists of 6 and 7 scales.

The norm of hostility is the value of its index, equal to 6-7 ± 3, and aggressiveness - 21 ± 4.

Goal: revealing the level of aggressiveness and studying the severity of types of aggression. It can be carried out both individually and in a group.

Description:  This questionnaire consists of 75 claims

Instruction:  “Read each of these statements and answer“ yes ”or“ no, ”do not hesitate for a long time, as there are no right or wrong answers.”

Quantitative analysis:   answers are evaluated on 8 scales in accordance with a special key:

aggressiveness index

hostility index

Qualitative analysis:   The general indicators are analyzed. It is preferable to analyze correlation (aggressiveness and hostility), as a result, the profile of aggressiveness parameters is analyzed:

Most pronounced in the subject;

The combinations that they form;

The rate of autoaggression is high.

Analysis and interpretation test results : On the basis of the responses received to the test, manifestations of aggression and hostility are revealed. In this case, the following types of reactions of the test subject can be distinguished.

1. Physical aggression   - the use of physical force against another person.

2. Indirect aggression   (roundabout aggression).

3. Irritation  - willingness to manifest negative feelings at the slightest excitement (temper, rudeness).

4. Negativism  - The oppositional manner in behavior from passive resistance to an active struggle against established customs and laws.

5. Resentment  - envy and hatred of others for real and fictitious actions.

6. Suspicion   - ranging from distrust and caution towards people to the belief that other people plan and do harm.

7. Verbal aggression  - the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching), and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).

8. Feeling guilt  expresses the possible belief of the subject that he is a bad person, that he does evil deeds, as well as remorse felt by him.

Reactions 5 and 6 can be defined as hostile, reactions 1, 2, 7 - as aggressive. The reactions “Irritation”, “Negativism” and “Feelings of guilt” (3, 4, 8), without which the analysis of hostile and aggressive reactions would not be complete, are classified as special reactions.

The calculation of the total points for each of the types of reactions of the subject is carried out using the response code:

Type of reaction

“Yes” - 1 point,

"No" - 0 points

"No" - 1 point

Yes - 0 points

Nominal points

Total points


Physical aggression

1,25,33,41, 48, 55, 62, 68



Indirect aggression

2, 10, 18, 34, 42, 56, 63




3, 19,27,43, 50, 57, 64, 72




4, 12,20,28




5, 13,21,29, 37,44,51, 58



6, 14,22,30, 38, 45, 52, 59



Verbal aggression

7, 15,23,31, 46, 53, 60, 71,73

39, 66, 74,75



8, 16,24,32, 40, 47, 54, 61,67


It is known that each person must have a certain degree of hostility-aggressiveness. The norm of such an assessment for each of the types of reactions of the test person is fixed in the column "Nominal amount of points for types of reactions". So according to the reactions "Physical aggression", "Irritation", "Suspicion", "Verbal aggression" the nominal amount is 4-6 points. For other types of reactions, this indicator is slightly lower.

If the total score for individual types of reactions of the subject does not reach the nominal, then this indicates a significant decrease or complete absence of the corresponding psychological properties of the individual. It should be assumed that the subject has a certain degree of passivity and conformity.

If the total score for certain types of reactions of the subject exceeds the face value, then this indicates an excessive development of forms of aggressiveness that complicates cooperation, conscious cooperation, and also provokes conflict.

Answer Form

FULL NAME.___________________________________


The date of the_______________________

Instruction:   “Read each of these statements and answer“ yes ”or“ no, ”do not hesitate for a long time, as there are no right or wrong answers.”

1. At times I can’t cope with the desire to harm others



2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like



3. I'm easily annoyed, but quickly calm down



4. If they don’t ask me in a good way, I won’t fulfill



5. I do not always get what I should



6. I don’t know what people say about me behind my back



7. If I do not approve of the behavior of friends, I let them feel it



8. When I happened to deceive someone, I felt excruciating remorse



9. It seems to me that I am not able to hit a person



10. I'm never annoyed enough to throw objects



11. I am always condescending to other people's flaws



12. If I don’t like the rule, I want to break it



13. Others can almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances.



14. I am wary of people who are somewhat more friendly to me than I expected



15. I often disagree with people



16. Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of



17. If anyone hits me first, I won't answer him



18. When I get annoyed, I slam the doors



19. I'm much more annoying than it sounds



20. If someone imagines himself to be the boss, I always act against him



21. I'm a little upset about my fate



22. I think many people do not like me



23. I can not help but argue if people do not agree with me



24. People dodging work should feel guilty



25. The one who insults me and my family begs for a fight



26. I'm not capable of rude jokes



27. I get furious when they make fun of me



28. When people make bosses of themselves, I do everything so they don’t get conceited



29. Almost every week I see someone I don't like



30. Quite a few people envy me



31. I demand that people respect me



32. What depresses me is that I do little for my parents



33. The people who harass you all the time are worth being clicked on the nose.



34. I'm never gloomy with anger



35. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I’m not upset



36. If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention



37. Although I do not show it, sometimes envy gnaws at me



38. Sometimes it seems to me that they laugh at me



39. Even if I'm angry, I do not resort to "strong" expressions



40. I want my sins to be forgiven



41. I rarely give back, even if someone hits me



42. When it’s not my way, sometimes I’m offended



43. Sometimes people annoy me with their mere presence



44. There are no people that I really hate



45. My principle: "Never trust" outsiders "



46. If anyone annoys me, I'm ready to say what I think of him



47. I do a lot of things that later I regret



48. If I get angry, I can hit someone



49. Since childhood, I have never shown flashes of anger



50. I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode



51. If everyone knew how I feel, I would be considered a person with whom it is not easy to work



52. I always think about the secret reasons that make people do something nice for me.



53. When they shout at me, I start shouting back



54. Failures upset me



55. I fight no less often and no more often than others



56. I can remember the times when I was so angry that I grabbed the thing that fell into my arm and broke it



57. Sometimes I feel like I'm the first to start a fight



58. Sometimes I feel that life is unfair to me



59. I used to think most people were telling the truth, but now I don’t believe it



60. I swear only with anger



61. When I do wrong, my conscience torments me



62. If I need to use physical force to protect my rights, I use it



63. Sometimes I express my anger by knocking my fist on the table



64. I'm rude to people I don’t like



65. I have no enemies who would like to harm me



66. I don’t know how to put a man in his place, even if he deserves it



67. I often think that I lived wrong



68. I know people who can bring me to a fight



69. I'm not upset about the little things



70. It seldom occurs to me that people try to anger or insult me



71. I often only threaten people, although I am not going to enforce threats



72. Lately i've become a bore



73. In a dispute, I often raise my voice



74. I usually try to hide my bad attitude towards people



75. I'd rather agree with anything than argue



The task: Diagnosis using the Bass-Darka questionnaire (11; 15; 17). The purpose of the questionnaire is to diagnose the state of aggression (motivational and instrumental), including forms of aggression on 8 scales.

The authors of the questionnaire are A. Bass and A. Darki (1957). Additional edition, unification of calculation of indicators, validation and reliability verification were carried out by A.P. Osnitsky, Candidate of Science (Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education).

The questionnaire is not free from motivational distortions (for example, in connection with social desirability). Requires additional verification of the reliability of the results (either using a retest, or using other techniques). The use of this questionnaire in the work of students in the school and when working with teachers was sufficiently diagnostic and constructive for subsequent corrective work.

Using this technique, it is necessary to remember that aggressiveness, as a property of a person, and aggression, as an act of behavior, can be understood in the context of the motivational-need sphere of the personality. Therefore, the Bass-Darka questionnaire should be used in conjunction with other methods: personality (Cattell), mental states (Spielberg), projective (Lusher), etc.

ANSWER FORM.  The questionnaire consists of 75 statements. Number them in columns of 10.

INSTRUCTIONS.  When reading or listening to read statements, try on how much they correspond to your style of behavior, your lifestyle, and answer with one of four possible answers: "YES", "PLEASE, YES", "PLEASE, NO", "NO".


1. At times I can’t cope with the desire to harm anyone.

2. Sometimes I can gossip about people I don't like.

3. Easily annoyed, but easy and calm down.

4. If you do not ask me in a good way, I will not fulfill the request.

5. I do not always get what I should.

6. I know that people talk about me behind my back.

7. If I do not approve of the actions of other people, I let them feel it.

8. If it happens to deceive someone, I feel remorse.

9. It seems to me that I am not able to hit a person.

10. Never get annoyed enough to scatter things.

11. Always condescending to other people's flaws.

12. When I do not like the established rule, I want to break it.

13. Others almost always know how to use favorable circumstances.

14. I am alarmed by people who treat me more friendly than I expect.

15. Often I disagree with people.

16. Sometimes thoughts come to mind that I am ashamed of.

17. If someone hits me, I will not answer him the same.

18. I slam the doors in annoyance.

19. I am more irritable than it seems from the outside.

20. If someone pretends to be the boss, I act against him.

21. I am a little upset about my fate.

22. I think that many people do not like me.

23. I can not help but argue if people do not agree with me.

24. Those who evade work should feel guilty.

25. Who insults me or my family, begs for a fight.

26. I am not capable of rude jokes.

27. I am seized with rage when they make fun of me.

28. When people build themselves as bosses, I do everything so that they are not conceited.

29. Almost every week I see someone I don’t like.

30. Quite a few envy me.

31. I demand that people respect my rights.

32. It saddens me that I do little for my parents.

33. People who harass you all the time are worth clicking on their nose.

34. From anger I am sometimes gloomy.

35. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I am not upset.

36. If someone tries to piss me off, I do not pay attention to him.

37. Although I do not show this, sometimes envy gnaws at me.

38. Sometimes it seems to me that they laugh at me.

39. Even if I am angry, I do not resort to strong expressions.

40. I want my sins to be forgiven.

41. I rarely give back, even if someone hits me.

42. I am offended when sometimes it turns out not in my opinion.

43. Sometimes people annoy me with their presence.

44. There are no people whom I really hate.

45. My principle: "Never trust strangers."

46. \u200b\u200bIf someone annoys me, he is ready to tell him everything I think about him.

47. I do a lot of things, which I later regret.

48. If I get angry, I can hit someone.

49. From the age of ten, I have not had outbursts of anger.

50. Often I feel like a powder keg ready to explode.

51. If you knew how I feel, I would be considered a person who is not easy to get along with.

52. I always think about what secret reasons make people do something pleasant for me.

53. When they shout at me, I shout back.

54. Failures upset me.

55. I fight not less often and not more often than others .

56. I can recall cases when I was so angry that I grabbed the first thing that came to hand and broke it.

57. Sometimes I feel that I am ready to start a fight first.

58. Sometimes I feel that life is unfair to me.

59. I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I don’t believe it.

60. I swear only with anger.

61. When I do wrong, my conscience torments me.

62. If physical force must be used to protect my rights, I use it.

63. Sometimes I express my anger by knocking on the table.

64. I am rude to people I don’t like.

65. I have no enemies who would like to harm me.

66. I do not know how to put a person in place, even if he deserves it.

67. Often I think that I live incorrectly.

68. I know people who are able to bring me to a fight.

69. Not upset about the little things.

70. I rarely get the idea that people are trying to anger or insult me.

71. Often, they simply threaten people, not intending to enforce threats.

72. Recently, I have become a bore.

74. I try to hide the bad attitude towards people.

75. I'd rather agree with something than argue.


When processing data under normal conditions, the answers “YES” and “PLEASE YES” are combined (summarized as the answers “yes”), as well as the answer “NO” and “PLEASE, NO” (summarized as the answers “no”).

Total indicators:

IA - Index of aggressiveness. IA \u003d (“1” + “2” + “3”): 3

IV - The index of hostility. II \u003d ("6" + "7"): 2


Interpretation Algorithm:

1. Quantitative description of the state of aggression - determine the level of aggressiveness and hostility.

2. Qualitative characteristics of the state of aggression:

· Based on a comparison of levels of aggressiveness and hostility, as well as taking into account the results of diagnostics on characterological questionnaires and a questionnaire of psychological states, make a conclusion about the presence or absence of motivational aggression;

· Conclude the prevailing forms of aggressive response.

3. Suggest options for correcting negative trends.

The term "aggression" is extremely often used today in the broadest context and therefore needs to be seriously "cleansed" of a number of layers and individual meanings.

Explaining aggression as a phenomenon and multiple manifestations of aggressiveness from different theoretical positions, the researchers proposed mutually exclusive theoretical models:

· The natural model (instincts), in particular, the innate reaction of a person to "protect the occupied territory" (Lorend, Ardry);

· Social (contradictions and opposition of assimilated norms):

a. the reaction of the person to the surrounding reality hostile to man (Horcy, Fromm),

b. theories that link aggression and frustration (Muller, Oak, Dollard) are very widespread,

c. as a desire for domination (Morrison), etc .;

· Theological determination of aggressiveness (temptation, embarrassment, sinfulness),

· Eclectic (often mistaken for integral) models that allow the influence of various determinants,

· A multilevel approach to the analysis of aggressive personality manifestations allows:

a. physiological sources

b. psychophysiological

c. activity-transforming,

d. personal ones (they are often identified with social determination).

Under aggressiveness   we can understand the personality trait, characterized by the presence of destructive (destructive) tendencies, mainly in the field of subject-subject relations (A.A. Karelin).

Aggressive actions can act as:

· A way of mental discharge, replacing a blocked need and switching activities;

· A way to satisfy the need for self-realization and self-affirmation;

· Means to achieve any significant goal;

· A way to solve problems that arise in complex and difficult (frustrating) situations that cause mental tension; the methods themselves can be realized in real actions and behavioral acts or in symbolic, substitute actions; they may be adequate and inadequate.

Let us add that essential objective and subjectively perceived characteristics of aggressiveness. By an observer, the behavioral manifestations of another person can be regarded as aggressive in the complete absence of aggression from the performer of these manifestations. At the same time, real aggressive actions can manifest themselves in a latent form that is not obvious to other people.

Aggressiveness has a qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

The quantitative characteristic of aggressiveness  (severity):

· Low level of aggressiveness. Each person must have a certain degree of aggressiveness. Its absence leads to passivity, statements, conformity, etc.

· An average level of aggressiveness indicates sufficient energy to overcome obstacles. Probably, the destructive component of human activity is necessary in creative activity, since the needs of individual development inevitably form in people the ability to remove and destroy obstacles, to overcome what counteracts this process.

· High level. The excessive development of aggressiveness begins to determine the whole face of the personality, which can become conflictual, incapable of conscious cooperation, interaction, etc., which impedes the achievement of personal goals.

Qualitative characteristic of aggressiveness.

Aggression itself does not make the subject consciously dangerous, since, on the one hand, the existing connection between aggression and aggression is not rigid, and, on the other hand, the act of aggression itself may not take consciously dangerous and disapproving forms. In everyday life, aggressiveness is synonymous with "malicious activity." However by itself   destructive behavior does not possess “maliciousness”; such is the motive of activity that makes it, those values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of achievement and possession of which the activity unfolds. External practical actions may be similar, but their motivational components are directly opposite. Based on this, two types of aggressive manifestations can be distinguished:

1. Motivational aggression , as self-worth is a direct manifestation of the realization of personality's destructive tendencies. Having determined the level of such destructive tendencies, one can predict with a high degree of probability the possibility of manifestation of open motivational aggression.

2. Instrumental aggression as a means of achieving goals, overcoming obstacles.

Both motivational and instrumental aggression can occur both under the control of consciousness and outside it, and are associated with emotional experiences (anger, hostility).

Practical psychologists are more interested in motivational aggression. The Bass-Darki questionnaire helps identify motivational aggression. A. Bass divided the concepts of “aggression” and “hostility”.

Hostility  - it is "... a reaction that develops negative feelings and negative assessments of people and events."

A. Bass and A. Darki, differentiating the manifestations of aggression and hostility, identified the following forms of aggression:

1. Physical aggression  - the use of physical force against another person.

2. Verbal aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching), and through the content of verbal addresses to other persons (curses, threats, swearing).

3. Indirect aggression  - the use in a roundabout way of gossip directed against other persons, jokes, as well as the manifestation of undirected, disordered outbursts of rage (in screaming, stomping, etc.).

4. Negativism  - the opposition form of behavior, usually directed against authority and leadership, which can grow from passive resistance to an active struggle against requirements, rules, laws, established customs.

5. Irritation  - a tendency to irritation, readiness at the slightest excitement to pour out in temper, harshness, rudeness.

6. Resentment  - the manifestation of envy and hatred of others, due to a feeling of anger, dissatisfaction with someone or the whole world for real and imaginary suffering.

7. Suspicion  - a tendency to distrust and cautious attitude towards people, resulting from the belief that others intend to do harm.

8. Guilt  or autoaggression  - attitude and actions in relation to oneself and others, stemming from the possible belief of the subject that he is a bad person, acts in a bad, harmful, evil or unscrupulous manner, remorse.

The initial cause of aggression is also essential for diagnosing manifestations of aggression: a natural pathology (genetically determined or acquired as a result of the disease) or a pathology of education, a pathology of socialization. (M. Rutter, C. Butner).

Bass-Darki Questionnaire

   The word "aggression" is extremely often used today in the broadest context and therefore needs to be seriously "cleansed" of a number of layers and individual meanings.

Various authors in their studies and monographs define aggression and aggressiveness in different ways: as a person’s innate reaction to “protect the occupied territory” (Lorenz, Ardri);

as an installation for domination (Morrison); the reaction of the individual to hostile human reality (Horcy, Fromm). Theories linking aggression and frustration (Muller, Oak, Dollard) are very widespread.

Aggression is understood as a property, a quality of personality, characterized by the presence of destructive tendencies, mainly in the field of subject-subject relations. Probably, the destructive component of human activity is necessary in creative activity, since the needs of individual development inevitably form in people the ability to remove and destroy obstacles, to overcome what counteracts this process.

Aggressiveness has a qualitative and quantitative characteristic. Like any property, it has a different degree of severity: from an almost complete absence to its ultimate development. Each person must have a certain degree of aggressiveness. Its absence leads to passivity, statements, conformity, etc. Its excessive development begins to determine the whole face of the personality, which can become conflictual, incapable of conscious cooperation, etc. Aggression itself does not make the subject consciously dangerous, since, on the one hand, the existing connection between aggression and aggression is not rigid, and, on the other hand, the act of aggression itself may not take consciously dangerous and disapproving forms. In everyday life, aggressiveness is synonymous with "malicious activity." However, destructive behavior in itself does not possess "maliciousness"; such is the motive of activity, those values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of achievement and possession of which activity unfolds. External practical actions may be similar, but their motivational components are directly opposite.

Based on this, it is possible to divide the manifestations of aggression into two main types: the first is motivational aggression as a value in itself, the second is instrumental as a tool (implying that both can manifest themselves both under the control of consciousness and outside it, and are associated with emotional experiences (anger, hostility.) Practical psychologists should be more interested in motivational aggression as a direct manifestation of the implementation of personality-destructive tendencies. Having determined the level of such destructive tendencies tions, with a high degree of probability to predict the possibility of manifestation of open aggression motivation. One of these diagnostic procedures is a questionnaire Bass-Darky.

A. Basset, having adopted a number of provisions of his predecessors, shared the concepts of aggression and hostility and defined the latter as: "... a reaction that develops negative feelings and negative assessments of people and events." Creating their own questionnaire, differentiating the manifestations of aggression and hostility, A. Base and A. Darki identified the following types of reactions:

1. Physical aggression - the use of physical force against another person.

2. Indirect - aggression, in a roundabout way directed at another person or directed at no one.

3. Irritation - readiness for the manifestation of negative feelings at the slightest excitement (temper, rudeness).

4. Negativism is an opposition manner in behavior from passive resistance to an active struggle against established customs and laws.

5. Resentment - envy and hatred of others for real and fictitious actions.

6. Suspicion - ranging from distrust and caution towards people to the belief that other people plan and do harm.

7. Verbal aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching), and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).

8. Feelings of guilt - expresses the possible belief of the subject that he is a bad person, that evil does, as well as remorse felt by him.

The questionnaire consists of 75 statements, to which the subject answers “yes” or “no”.

Bass Darca Questionnaire Stimulus Material

   1. At times, I cannot cope with the desire to harm others. well no

2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like. well no

3. I am easily annoyed, but quickly calm down. well no

4. If they don’t ask me in a good way, I won’t do it. well no

5. I do not always get what I should. well no

6. I don’t know what people say about me behind my back. well no

7. If I do not approve of the behavior of friends, I let them feel it. well no

8. When I happened to deceive someone, I experienced excruciating remorse. well no

9. It seems to me that I am not able to hit a person. well no

10. I am never annoyed enough to throw objects. well no

11. I am always condescending to other people's flaws. well no

12. If I do not like the established rule, I want to break it. well no

13. Others can almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances. well no

14. I am wary of people who treat me somewhat more friendly than I expected. well no

15. I often disagree with people. well no

16. Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of. well no

17. If anyone hits me first, I will not answer him. well no

18. When I get annoyed, I slam the doors. well no

19. I am much more annoying than it seems. well no

20. If someone imagines himself to be the boss, I always act against him. well no

21. I am a little upset about my fate. well no

22. I think that many people do not like me. well no

23. I can not help but argue if people do not agree with me. well no

24. People evading work should feel guilty. well no

25. The one who insults me and my family begs for a fight. well no

26. I am not capable of rude jokes. well no

27. I am seized with rage when they make fun of me. well no

28. When people build themselves as bosses, I do everything so that they are not conceited. well no

29. Almost every week I see someone I don’t like. well no

30. Quite a few people envy me. well no

31. I demand that people respect me. well no

32. What depresses me is that I do little for my parents. well no

33. The people who constantly harass you are worth it to be "clicked on the nose." well no

34. I am never gloomy with anger. well no

35. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I am not upset. well no

36. If someone pisses me off, I do not pay attention. well no

37. Although I do not show this, sometimes envy gnaws at me. well no

38. Sometimes it seems to me that they laugh at me. well no

39. Even if I am angry, I do not resort to "strong" expressions. well no

40. I want my sins to be forgiven. well no

41. I rarely give back, even if someone hits me. well no

42. When it turns out not in my opinion, I sometimes get offended. well no

43. Sometimes people annoy me with their mere presence. well no

44. There are no people whom I really hate. well no

45. My principle: “Never trust“ strangers. ”Yes / no

46. \u200b\u200bIf someone annoys me, I am ready to say what I think of him. well no

47. I do a lot of things that later I regret. well no

48. If I get angry, I can hit someone. well no

49. Since childhood, I have never shown flashes of anger. well no

50. I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode. well no

51. If everyone knew how I feel, I would be considered a person with whom it is not easy to work. well no

52. I always think about what secret reasons force people to do something pleasant for me. well no

53. When they shout at me, I start to shout back. well no

54. Failures upset me. well no

55. I fight not less often and not more often than others. well no

56. I can recall cases when I was so angry that I grabbed the thing that fell into my arm and broke it. well no

57. Sometimes I feel like I'm the first to start a fight. well no

58. Sometimes I feel that life is being done unfairly to me. well no

59. I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I don’t believe it. well no

60. I swear only with anger. well no

61. When I do wrong, my conscience torments me. well no

62. If I need to use physical force to protect my rights, I use it. well no

63. Sometimes I express my anger by knocking my fist on the table. well no

64. I am rude to people I don’t like. well no

65. I have no enemies who would like to harm me. well no

66. I do not know how to put a person in place, even if he deserves it. well no

67. I often think that I lived wrong. well no

68. I know people who are able to lead me to a fight. well no

69. I'm not upset about the little things. well no

70. It seldom occurs to me that people try to anger or insult me. well no

71. I often only threaten people, although I am not going to enforce threats. well no

72. Recently, I have become a bore. well no

74. I usually try to hide my bad attitude towards people. well no

75. I would better agree with anything than argue. well no

Results Processing

   When compiling the questionnaire, the following principles were used:

1. A question may relate to only one form of aggression.

2. Questions are formulated in such a way as to lessen the impact of public approval of the answer to the question.

Responses are rated on eight scales as follows:

1. Physical aggression: "yes" \u003d 1, "no" -0: 1,25,31,41,48,55,62,68, "no" \u003d 1, "yes" \u003d 0: 9,7

2. Indirect aggression: "yes" - 1, "no" \u003d 0: 2, 10, 18, 34,42, 56, 63, "no" \u003d 1, "yes" - 0: 26, 49

3. Irritation: yes \u003d 1, no \u003d 0: 3,19,27,43, 50, 57,64,72, no \u003d 1, yes \u003d 0: II, 35,69

4. Negativism: “yes” \u003d\u003d 1, “no” \u003d 0: 4, 12, 20, 28, “no” - 1, “yes” \u003d 0: 36

5. Resentment: “yes” \u003d 1, “no” - 0: 5, 13, 21,29,37,44,51,58

6. Suspicion: yes \u003d 1, no \u003d 0: 6,14,22,30,38,45,52,59, no \u003d 1, yes \u003d 0: 33, 66, 74, 75

7. Verbal aggression: "yes" \u003d 1, "no" \u003d 0: 7, 15, 23, 31, 46, 53, 60, 71, 73, "no" - 1, "yes" \u003d 0: 33.66 , 74.75

8. Guilt: "yes" -1, "no" \u003d 0: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40,

The hostility index includes a 5 and 6 scale, and the aggressiveness index (both direct and motivational) includes scales 1, 3, 7.

The norm of aggressiveness is the value of its index, equal to 21 plus or minus 4, and hostility - 6.5-7 plus or minus 3. At the same time, attention is drawn to the possibility of achieving a certain value, showing the degree of manifestation of aggressiveness.

Using this technique, it must be remembered that aggressiveness, as a personality trait, and aggression, as an act of behavior, can be understood in the context of a psychological analysis of the motivational-need sphere of the personality. Therefore, the Bass-Darka questionnaire should be used in conjunction with other methods: personality tests of mental states (Cattell, Spielberg), projective methods (Lusher), etc.

Buss-durkey inventory
The personal questionnaire was developed by A. Bass and A. Darki in 1957 and is intended for the diagnosis of aggressive and hostile reactions.

The test consists of 75 statements, to which the examinee must answer “yes” or “no”. Creating their questionnaire, differentiating the manifestations of aggression and hostility, A. Bass and A. Darki identified the following types of reactions:

1. Physical aggression - the use of physical force against another person.
2. Indirect aggression, in a roundabout way directed at another person or directed at no one.
3. Irritation - readiness for the manifestation of negative feelings at the slightest excitement (temper, rudeness).
4. Negativism is an opposition manner in behavior from passive resistance to an active struggle against established customs and laws.
5. Resentment - envy and hatred of others for real and fictitious actions.
6. Suspicion - ranging from distrust and caution towards people to the belief that other people plan and do harm.
7. Verbal aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching), and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).
8. Feelings of guilt - expresses the possible belief of the subject that he is a bad person, that evil does, as well as remorse felt by him.

When compiling the questionnaire, the authors used the following principles:

1. A question may relate to only one form of aggression.
2. Questions are formulated in such a way as to weaken the effect of the social desirability of answers to the greatest extent.
According to the authors, aggressiveness can be understood as a personality trait characterized by the presence of destructive tendencies, mainly in the field of subjective-subjective relations. Probably, the destructive component of human activity is necessary in creative activity, since the needs of individual development inevitably form in people the ability to remove and destroy obstacles, to overcome what counteracts this process.

Aggressiveness has a qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Like any property, it has a different degree of severity: from an almost complete absence to its ultimate development. Each person must have a certain degree of aggressiveness. Its absence leads to passivity, statements, conformity, etc. Its excessive development begins to determine the whole face of the personality, which can become conflictual, incapable of conscious cooperation, etc. Aggression itself does not make the subject consciously dangerous, since, on the one hand, the existing connection between aggression and aggression is not rigid, and, on the other hand, the act of aggression itself may not take consciously dangerous and disapproving forms. In everyday life, aggressiveness is synonymous with "malicious activity." However, destructive behavior in itself does not possess "maliciousness"; such is the motive of activity, those values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of achievement and possession of which activity unfolds. External practical actions may be similar, but their motivational components are directly opposite.
Based on this, aggressive manifestations can be divided into two main types: the first is motivational aggression as a value in itself, the second is instrumental as a means (implying that both can manifest themselves both under the control of consciousness and outside it, and are associated with emotional experiences (anger, hostility)).

When developing diagnostic tools, A. Bass also shared the concepts of aggression and hostility and defined the latter as: "... a reaction that develops negative feelings and negative assessments of people and events."

This questionnaire is widely distributed in foreign studies, which confirm its high validity and reliability. The questionnaire is also used in domestic works (S. N. Enikolopov, 1989 and others), however, data on its standardization in domestic samples are not indicated.

Adapted A.K. Osnitsky, the test version suggests 4 possible answers for the subject: “yes”, “perhaps yes”, “perhaps no”, “no”. It is noted that in the examination situation the questionnaire is not protected from distortion, and the reliability of the results depends on the confidence in the relationship between the subject and the psychologist. Using this technique, it must be remembered that aggressiveness, as a personality trait, and aggression, as an act of behavior, can be understood in the context of a holistic psychological analysis of the motivational-need sphere of the personality. Therefore, the Bass-Darki questionnaire should be used in conjunction with other methods.

1. At times I can’t cope with the desire to harm others yes no
2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like and no
3. I get annoyed easily, but quickly calm down yes no
4. If they do not ask me in a good way, I will not do it yes no
5. I do not always get what I should
6. I don’t know what people say about me behind my back yes no
7. If I do not approve of the behavior of friends, I let them feel it yes no
8. When I happened to deceive someone, I felt painful remorse yes no
9. It seems to me that I am not able to hit a person, yes no
10. I am never annoyed enough to throw objects yes no
11. I am always condescending to other people's flaws yes no
12. If I do not like the established rule, I want to break it yes no
13. Others can almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances yes no
14. I am wary of people who treat me somewhat more friendly than I expected yes no
15. I often disagree with people yes no
16. Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of yes no
17. If someone hits me first, I will not answer him yes no
18. When I get annoyed, I slam the doors yes no
19. I am much more annoying than it seems yes no
20. If someone imagines himself to be the boss, I always act against him yes or no
21. I am a little upset about my fate yes no
22. I think that many people do not like me yes no
23. I can not help but argue if people do not agree with me yes no
24. People dodging work should feel guilty yes no
25. The one who insults me and my family begs for a fight yes no
26. I am not capable of rude jokes yes no
27. I am seized with rage when mocked at me yes no
28. When people build themselves as bosses, I do everything so that they are not conceited yes no
29. Almost every week I see someone who I don’t like yes no
30. Quite a few people envy me yes no
31. I demand that people respect me yes no
32. What depresses me is that I do little for my parents, yes no
33. The people who harass you all the time are worth being clicked on the nose yes no
34. I am never gloomy with anger yes no
35. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I am not upset, no
36. If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention yes no
37. Although I do not show this, sometimes jealousy eats me no
38. Sometimes it seems to me that they laugh at me yes no
39. Even if I am angry, I do not resort to "strong" expressions yes no
40. I want my sins to be forgiven yes no
41. I rarely give back, even if someone hits me yes no
42. When it turns out not in my opinion, I sometimes get offended yes no
43. Sometimes people annoy me with their presence alone yes no
44. There are no people whom I really hate yes no
45. My principle: "Never trust" outsiders "yes no
46. \u200b\u200bIf someone annoys me, I am ready to say that I think about him, yes no
47. I do a lot of things later on which I regret yes no
48. If I get angry, I can hit someone yes no
49. Since childhood, I never showed outbursts of anger yes no
50. I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode yes no
51. If everyone knew how I feel, I would be considered a person with whom it is not easy to work, yes no
52. I always think about what secret reasons force people to do something pleasant for me yes no
53. When they shout at me, I start to shout in response yes no
54. Failures upset me yes no
55. I fight not less often and not more often than others yes no
56. I can recall cases when I was so angry that I grabbed the thing that fell into my arm and broke it yes no
57. Sometimes I feel that I am ready to start a fight first yes no
58. Sometimes I feel that life is unfair to me. Yes no
59. I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I don’t believe it, yes no
60. I swear only with anger yes no
61. When I do wrong, my conscience torments me no
62. If I need to use physical force to protect my rights, I use it yes no
63. Sometimes I express my anger by knocking my fist on the table yes no
64. I am rude to people who I don’t like yes no
65. I have no enemies who would like to harm me yes no
66. I do not know how to put a person in his place, even if he deserves it yes no
67. I often think that I lived wrong yes no
68. I know people who can bring me to a fight yes no
69. I'm not upset about trifles yes no
70. It rarely occurs to me that people try to anger or insult me, yes no
71. I often only threaten people, although I don’t intend to enforce threats yes no
72. Recently, I have become a bore yes no
73. In a dispute, I often raise my voice yes no
74. I usually try to hide my bad attitude towards people. Yes no
75. I better agree with anything than argue yes no
